Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mrs. Farida Jordan (


I am drenched with tears while writing this short message to you. It was heartbreaking news to me few days ago when my doctor notified me on complications on my health condition which he officially made known to me. He further stressed that the complication I had in my human mechanism as a result of a secondary liver cancer which have destroyed all the organs in my body system. According to him, he said that this complication will lead to my imminent death since no medication can alleviate the high system of deformation I am encountering at this time in my system.

In the view of the above, I am in quest to find a trustworthy and upright individual whom I will entrust the sum of $10.8 million USD and this has led me to you. The said fund was acquired by me as an inheritance from my adopted father who died as a result of political crisis which erupted among his most political associate and business clique.

I will make available to you all information and officially authorize document which will endorse your claim as the beneficiary to the fund in question in the finance house where the fund was lodged by my adopted father. I have mapped out the modalities on how the fund will be apportioned. 35% of the principal amount of the money will be dished out to you while 65% will be allotted to any charitable or orphanage home of your preference.

My motive to dispense the funds to a charity and orphanage home is that I grew up as an orphan and do not have any heirs hitherto.

Upon your acceptance to this proposal kindly get back to me through this email;, and i will forward the contact information of my attorney to you.

Best Regards
Mrs. Farida Jordan

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