Sunday, August 21, 2011


Hi,to whomever is/might be reading this message right now please!!! Understand that this first message is for all human because God commanded all those who have receive grace and pardon to share/spread the gospel's news to all who is ready to receive pardon for their sins.There are sad and lonely people everywhere,sing a song, spread some share,be a friend,by showing love, it'll lift them from the dungeons of despair.offer help,bring some hope,to the fainting and discouraged on life's road;see a need lend a hand,there are many who are crushed beneath their a light,show the way,be a light for those astray;speak a word loving word,that will bring them back to walk the narrow a little bit of love and kindness,never go along with hatred's blindness,take a little time to reach for joy,and wear a happy face; sing a little bit when the days are dreary,give a little help to a friend who's weary-thats the way to make the world a happy place!!! So,therefore, I call and pleaded to all who will receive this mail to take this as an opportunity given to him/her to receive Christ Jesus into their life because we all can稚 tell of what might happen to us all in the next seconds, minutes, hour, a day or more, We all shall all leave this earth someday so all we do now determines our end. Note I am not talking of just being moral in all but be Christ like in all things done. Whatever you池e your sins are he [God] has promise to forgive it all, If only you just accept His son Jesus Christ as your Lord and Personal Savior of your life by saying this prayer・ord, I am sorry for all the sins I have committed towards you and man in my ignorance and I come to you now and ask you to forgive me and teach me aright now therefore right this moment i知 making you this promise that I will not go back to sin anymore ,thank you father for I know you have answered my prayers, AMEN!!! J.E & O-STRONG OPERATIONS Dear sir/ma誕m, This mail is a business proposal,to whoever is interested, please!!! This proposal is not entitle to all most especially youths who are not self dependent/employed, this is to avoid misinterpretation to other business clients that we seek.what we are offering is real and genuine and it is open to all who are businesslike and are ready to invest there resources in other organisations in order to acquire more.In whatever way, this mail may present itself to you reading it,in terms of its discretion,should not be annoying,It is of your interest as an individual.This proposal is not made open because in our search for partners we are virtually sending this mail generally to everyone.Definitely,it might get to those who will want to use it for alternative purposes,and these will affect our integrity. Business women should also reply if interested. All I can tell you is that it has its risks [like you all should know that all business has its risk and if you find any without one be sure it is fraud and unreal] but be assured that whenever a transaction is done, your fund with its interest will be payback to you. All will be properly explained in the business proposal.This proposal will not be reveal to any individual or personality until His/Her to whom it concern has shown interest that He/She is worthy, then all the details will be sent to you for verification and acceptance. We as partners want to assure you that this business is legally accepted by our Government and other organizations as international trade all over the world. It is call business because it entails finance, risk and transactions. This risk involves the three parties [these includes the interested partners] that makes-up these partners.1. The General/Active partners puts in 40% [forty-percent] of the capital required and play 20% [twenty-percent] role of the activities of the business. Alternatively, if the Active partners decided that they won稚 be able to take active part in the business then He/She will have to add 20% [twenty-percent] capital,which will be added to the former 40% [forty-percent] puts in before, Note that, in receiving of interest 7-10% will be deducted from your interest.2. The middle-man takes 50% [fifty-percent] of the business activities and puts in 15% [fifteen-percent] of the capital required,reasons... The activities of the middleman may change if the active partner only contributes its capital, then we will have to include our purchase representative in the UK and Turkey to takke part in the middle partner activities as sub-middlemen in the business.3. The third-partner is the one who sees that this business deals yields income/revenue, afterwards reports to all partners by given details.So therefore, if there interested persons who are willing to partner with us they should please!!! Contact any of these addresses below for the full details. Head of operation manager; Engr.AKINYELE-J.STRONG. Asst.Manager.H.O.P;Mr We as partners have discovered that there are scammers and fraudsters all over, So we are doing all we can to prevent the genuine proposal from getting into the hands of fraudsters and scammers in order to protect the interest of our clients, partners, and our individual integrity.

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