Friday, October 28, 2011

Yanez Chambers Int’l (

Hello, Permit me to seek you attention on a subject that I deem of great benefit to you. My name is Henry Yanez. I am an Independent Legal and Financial Expert. I run a private Practice in legal Soliciting and Financial Consulting within and outside Europe. I carried out a routine standard financial review exercise in my firm recently, In the process, I came across my late client's file that revealed a form he signed with an Investment Company here (Fidelity Int'l) which had your name on the next of kin column. This file contains certificate for a convertible bond Deposit he made with the Investment Company that was traded over the years with different Asset Managers to yield a high profit value. This started during a business summit I attended in NY in the year 2000, the subject matter (My Late Client); in his bid for legal Advice briefed me about an Investment interest he was offered at that time by an Investment Portfolio Manager. He informed me that he intended to hold a financial portfolio of 19.8Million (Euros) with the Private Investment Service arm of Fidelity Investment Company. I agreed to represent his Interest, so we met on numerous occasions prior to any investments being placed, I carried out a feasibility study and assessment of the gainfully oriented areas before it gained my approval. I encouraged him to consider various growth funds with prime ratings and I helped him fashion out the placement of this trust. Unfortunately my client who was attending a summer beach party at Paris (France) in 2007, was involved in an accident which claimed his life, Today, there has been interest accrued on the Investment and my inability to make contact with you before now is because he placed this Investment discreetly in my care as High Priority financial Backup for his political interest/ambition. The discreet nature of this Investment placement would not permit any declaration of it to his name in your country when he died. However I cannot continue to keep this discreet for fear of losing it to the government here so I decided to make contact with you. I would like to have an opportunity to discuss this matter with you on how to transfer it to you. So in other for us to open communication on this matter, I seek that you send me a return letter with your full name, address and phone so we can discuss this subject in detail. Thanks in anticipation to your timely response. Yours truly, Henry YanezLegal Partner/Financial AdviserYanez Chambers Int’

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