Dear Beneficiary,
By the power of my office as the new President of Federal Republic Nigeria having taken oath of office on 29th May 2011 as fully elected President,
I have to inform you that while going through files of unpaid funds received from NNPC/ CBN by this government following my observations on the wrong attitudes of the US/ UN Financial Authorities ,World Bank Directors, CBN Governor officials and some bank directors towards your payment.
I came across your file as the true beneficiary to Approved payment of fund while going through Contract payment files and have picked interest and verified the cause of delays which are well noted.
I have resolved for the option to pay you; through a fully loaded International Visa Bank Draft card. In this arrangement The Electronic Visa Draft card is ready with your outstanding fund value for co
All relevant access information to enable you withdraw the cash from any Visa Draft in any bank of your choice upon receipt were included, this option is strictly for this purpose to avoid question or disagreement between you and the financial authorities.
You are required to indicate your readiness to visit Nigeria within 14 days from date of this notice for collection of this Electronic Visa Draft card at no COST. kindly forward a copy of your international passport to enable us send you invitation letter and also your direct telephone, We await your immediate response for further directives.
This order invalidates any other previous arrangements. For further inquiries get back to us as soon as possible. +2347038615667
Yours faithfully,
Dr. Justin Onyelusi By Order Of
Dr. Goodluck E. Jonathan.
President And Commander in Chief Of The Armed Forces Of The Federal
Republic Of Nigeria .
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